60. Not out.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

As usual ideas flowed and we could hardly keep them to ourselves.The sense of knowledge as we touched on different places creates the want to discuss what we each know about that place.
The discussion around our thoughts was very interesting as i think we all see each place slightly different, maybe it was our upbringing within those places that sets the ideas flowing.

As I read my story I was slightly suprised at how it became almost historical although nothing was mentioned to place it in a particular time.

I need to think about the note and ticket pressed into my pocket, could this be discovered in the future by someone moving into my old bedroom or even washed up in a bottle on the beech near to where I now live.

I used to collect scraps of paper as a child and hide them behind a screen covering the fireplace in my bedroom over the shop in Birkenhead. I found them wonderful pieces of someone's past and maybe I wanted to be part of that past by hiding them away for another person to find in the future.

Also the bottle on the beech is interesting as I now find myself living very close to a beech. Every step of the way I seem to be making connections to parts of my past, my history, here.


Are you finding this too.


  1. Hi Barbara

    thanks for your contribution to the discussion today - I think the way your idea for your story is evolving is really interesting and I can't wait to see how it develops!

  2. Thanks Jenn
    I am suprising myself each time we meet, which is interesting because normally each project I work on I usually do lots of planning and research but this is so free flowing a complete change and a losening of my thoughts.
